우리의 비전과 슬로건
슬로건하늘꿈교회, 인생이 바뀌는 곳
SloganHeaven Dream Church, Where life changes.
우리의 목표일상에서도 진정한 변화를 경험하며 예수 그리스도를 믿는 삶과 믿지 않았던 예전 삶 간의 차이를 체험하게 한다.
Our Goal:We want to experience real change in our everyday lives, not just within the church. We want to see the difference between a life where we believe in Jesus Christ and a life where we didn't believe before.
Core Values:We want to understand the power of the good news, recover what we have lost through life change, and experience the true love of Jesus.
Mission Statement:We invite people to a gospel school where they can experience a turning point in life and guide them through a process of recovering from sin and wrong habits.
Vision Statement:We help people experience the amazing transformation of the good news and find new life from sin and past wrong habits.